Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Look Who's Cooking!

That's right, it's me. Due to the ceremonies for Gerald Ford, I had today off, so I decided to make a fancy shmancy dinner for Al (who had to work). After hours of pouring over recipes (that new Gourmet book is huge--you could seriously hurt someone with it!), I reserved my lil Zip Car, and zipped my way to Virginia to stock up on some fresh tuna, and then started to prep. Now, most of you may know, my husband is the chef in our household, and I'm the mere "sous chef." I do cook every so often, but even when I make something and we have friends over, they mostly see Al at the helm, and compliment him for a lovely meal, making me feel like chopped liver (so, make that be a note to any of you who come over for a meal ever...I do a fair share of work, but someone has to chat to the guests!). Without Al though, I am a bit skittish around the kitchen, and don't have the most confidence when coming up with a meal. Nevertheless, I took the bull by the horns, and ended up making an asian tuna salad with pickled cucumbers, and a side of white beans mixed with red peppers and garlic. It was quite tasty, and the presentation turned out just how I had hoped! Yay me!
Tomorrow, Al and I return to sketchy yoga. Stay tuned.

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