Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Trust me on the sunscreen

One of my favorite songs/quotes and good fodder:
By Baz Luhrmann

Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of ’99
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it.
The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience…I will dispense this advice now.

Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh nevermind; you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded. But trust me, in 20 years you’ll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can’t grasp now how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked….You’re not as fat as you imagine.

Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.
Do one thing everyday that scares you


Don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts, don’t put up with people who are reckless with yours.


Don’t waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind…the race is long, and in the end, it’s only with yourself.

Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.

Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements.

Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what you want to do with your life…the most interesting people I know didn’t know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don’t.
Get plenty of calcium.
Be kind to your knees, you’ll miss them when they’re gone.
Maybe you’ll marry, maybe you won’t, maybe you’ll have children, maybe you won’t, maybe you’ll divorce at 40, maybe you’ll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary…what ever you do, don’t congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself either – your choices are half chance, so are everybody else’s.
Enjoy your body, use it every way you can…don’t be afraid of it, or what other people think of it, it’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever own..
Dance…even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room.
Read the directions, even if you don’t follow them.
Do NOT read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly.
Get to know your parents, you never know when they’ll be gone for good.
Be nice to your siblings; they are the best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.
Understand that friends come and go, but for the precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young.
Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard; live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft.
Accept certain inalienable truths, prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too will get old, and when you do you’ll fantasize that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders.
Respect your elders.

Don’t expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund, maybe you have a wealthy spouse; but you never know when either one might run out.
Don’t mess too much with your hair, or by the time you're 40, it will look 85.
Be careful whose advice you buy, but, be patient with those who supply it. Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it’s worth.
But trust me on the sunscreen…

Monday, November 07, 2005

Eating Out

Now that the kitchen project has come to an end---it's time for my Blog Awards for the Best and Worst of our eating out experiences. We ate at about 70 places, but now, it's hard to remember all of them...I'll try my best!:

Best Overall: Doug Fir--cute surroundings, great drinks, fabulous company, yummy food, and cheap.

Best Pizza: Busboys and Poets

Best Wait Staff: Rosemary's Thyme

Best Brunch: Merriweather's in Oregon

Best Burger: Doug Fir in Oregon

Best Steak: Frankie Rolands, Roanoke, VA

Best Seafood Dinner: Boca Bay in Wilmington, NC

Favorite new neighborhood restaurant: Al Crostino

Best summertime meal: Maggie and Andy's gazpacho and scallop and shrimp with mango

Best presentation: Ilona's tri-tomato salad and corn chowder

Favorite cheap eats/place to eat when drunk: Amesterdam Falafel House

Most hilarious conversation over dinner: with Ron and Jessica at Rosemary's Thyme

Most interesting intellectual conversation over dinner: with Maggie and Andy about Guns, Germs and Steel over dinner at their house

Hostess with the mostest: Katie Russell--3 days after having her baby

Best interactive meal: Bethesda Crab House

Biggest Diamond in the Ruff: The Islander

Best Oysters: Hanks Oysters

Best Match of Trivial Pursuit: At Ilona's house over Thai food

Best mix of strangers at a cocktail party: Brent and Robert's

Cutest restaurant: Tao of Tea in Portland, OR and Merriweathers also in Portland, OR

Favorite Standby: Logan Tavern

Best cocktails: Cafe Atlantico

Best BBQ: Flips!

Most creative menu: Cafe Atlantico

Best at anticipating when we are too tired to cook and inviting us over: Ron and Jessica

Favorite lunch place: Tabard Inn

Most favorite place we DIDNT go to: Zaytanya

Best grilled cheese: 18th & U Duplex

Best chain for brunch: Harry's Tap Room

Best chain for dinner: Legal Sea Foods

Best post-wisdom teeth extraction place to eat: Lauriol Plaza

Worst overall: Morton's

Worst meal for the wait: Pasta Mia

Worst steak: Morton's Steakhouse

Worst waitstaff: Pasta Mia

Biggest let down: Morton's Steakhouse

Worst seafood: Leopold's in Gtown

Filthiest: 4 Sisters (saw a mouse in the house!)

Worst take out: Simply Home

Worst at trying to be something it's not: Tobaq

Most absent-minded wait staff: Busboys and Poets

Worst burger: Full Sail, Portland, OR

Most inconsistent: Beacon Bar and Grill

Worst brunch: Saint Ex

Worst place we AVOIDED: Bucco di Beppo (pucko and crapo!)

Worst place for soup when you are sick: Sala Thai