Thursday, August 24, 2006

Life Lessons

So, after we came home from the hospital after Al's jaw surgery (Saturday, August 12), we were home for about 3 1/2 days before we went back to the hospital--Al was not getting the amount of liquids he needed because every time he drank, he would double over in stomach pain. He lost a tremendous amount of weight, and I was growing concerned. We finally listened to our instincts, and called the doctor-turns out he had developed an ulcer. So, back into the hospital for another 3 days, 2 nights to get an IV so that he could rehydrate, and also get medication to help with the ulcer.

Thank goodness for mom's....because my mom was back up for the second hospital stay, and helped a huge amount around the house-did laundry, did dishes, made food, mopped the floors-it was so nice having an extra hand and one less thing to worry about.

He's out of the hospital now, and has started to regain some weight, and is definitely more himself, but I think that the past few weeks has taught us both some lessons about each other and ourselves.

Sometimes I lean on Al too much, and I learned to lean more on myself, and I learned I have a lot more strength in difficult situations then I ever thought possible. And, I learned it's OK to cry, and it's ok to cry a lot--that is the body's way of releasing stress, and I don't have to apologize for crying in front of my friends or family, because they are awesome and understand. I also learned to appreciate Al more...appreciate all that he does, and all that he helps bring out in me. I've learned that the body is an amazing tool, that can run for quite some time on little sleep, little nourishment, and severe stress...and somehow cope. I've learned that my friends are a blessing, and I am thankful for them every day. I've learned that hospital food is yucky. And I've learned that laughing is priceless, and the only way to get through frustrating times.

And, finally, I've learned that I REALLY don't like hospitals, but then again, who does?

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