Friday, June 10, 2005

Butting in

Yesterday I took the metro to work, and as I exited I noticed a guy and a girl in a screaming match in front of the metro. I tried not to eavesdrop, but as I was walking away I heard the guy yell, "Do you know how much money I make? Do you know what you're passing up?"

I turned around to see what was happening, and this guy was literally not letting the woman get past him. She would step to the right, and he would then step to the right, and hold his hands out blocking her from moving past him. He continued to yell at her in the middle of the metro station.

I was shocked at the number of people who just walked by, and didn't do anything. I know it wasn't any of my business, but I walked over to the woman, and tapped her on the shoulder and asked if she was okay. She smiled and said she was, and thanked me for my concern. The guy started saying something to me but I just walked away.

I just hate guys like that who flaunt there money, and think that people are going to bow down to them because they have money. I think the far more attractive approach is to act confident, and get people to date you or befriend you because you are kind, considerate and have your act together.

I don't know. Maybe it was silly to butt in, but oh well. I'd probably do it again.

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