Friday, March 10, 2006

In the Deep

Al and I rented the movie Crash earlier this week-and if you haven't yet seen it, it's an absolute must. It's probably one of the best films that I've seen in years. I can't even find the words to describe it--it was a mix of emotions-happy, sad, anger, heartbreak, acceptance---all in one. The movie was powerful, and thought provoking, and made me realize my own weaknesses when it comes to ethnic stereotypes-including my own religion.

Living in DC, and being explosed to a mix of races, it's good to be reminded that we are all just people, trying to make sense of our lives. We all have our baggage-no matter what the color of our skin. And, sometimes, there are people who are an embarrassment to our race, our religion, or our country--I know that when I travel and see Americans acting obnoxiously, I just want to scream--"YOU are the reason that Americans have this kind of a reputation".

What it comes down to is that we are all responsible for our actions. And all of those actions-no matter how big or small impact others. We are all part of this planet, which is bigger than ourselves. And, sometimes, we need to be reminded of that by crashing into others, just for that wake up call in life.

This movie definitely was a wonderful reminder to try to be more tolerant of all people. That everyone is connected by a small thread.

We're all in the deep.

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