Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Five for...Wednesday

I missed doing the Five for Friday last week. So, I'm going to make up for it today. While I love having more hours of daylight now, I'm still bitter at Bush that this is his "big energy plan." The man is pushing for drilling in the Arctic, but apparently, having three more weeks of DLS is supposed to save the world of its energy crisis!

So, I'm going with five things you can actually do to help the planet. These are taken from the Inconvenient Truth website-which I highly advise checking out! If you try one, let me know:

1. Install a programmable thermostat-it will automatically lower the heat or air conditioning at night and raise them again in the morning. They can save you $100 a year on your energy bill.

2. Only run your dishwasher when there’s a full load and use the energy-saving setting, you can save 100 pounds of carbon dioxide per year.

3. Buy recycled paper products-it takes less 70 to 90% less energy to make recycled paper and it prevents the loss of forests worldwide.

4. Buy fresh foods instead of frozen-frozen food uses 10 times more energy to produce and require more packaging.

5. Reduce the number of miles you drive by walking, biking, carpooling or taking mass transit wherever possible-avoiding just 10 miles of driving every week would eliminate about 500 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions a year! Click here to find transit options in your area.

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