Friday, January 04, 2008

2007-a look back

Last year I did a review of the year that passed, and since I haven't blogged in ages, thought I'd try to blog with this past year's excitement.

January: Al and I ring in the new year at our place with a pot-luck dinner. In mid-January, Al and I went to Lake Anna for a long weekend with ShepDC to celebrate her 30th birthday.

February: I took a girl's road trip to NC to visit Dr. Booth before she went to Iraq for a 6 month stint. Al and I also found out we were expecting on 2/23!

March: Al and I start to share our exciting news. Lots of changes ensue at work (got a new supervisor and my mentor left).

April: Al and I host our first seder. We also volunteer for Crew Invitational-I was on the finish line as always. Although this year it was SNOWING (SNOWING!) during the races. Brrrr. My friend Betsy (from Portland, OR) came to town for a visit and Al and I went to Richmond for my Uncle Maurice's 60th birthday, where we get to tell my grandma she is going to be a great grandma.

May: Went to Charlottesville to meet my parents for Mother's Day brunch at the Boars Head Inn-at this point, I was starting to show. We also traveled to Memphis to see my friend Shannon and her boyfriend Rich and give a wave to Elvis. And, we had a weekend of the crew boys visiting for a 10 year reunion.

June: We find out we are having a little girl. And in the category of "weird things you have to do once"-we went to the Air Guitar Competition at the 9:30 club with Al's cousin Hannah.

July: Vegas, baby, Vegas.

August: Off to Connecticut for Debbie's 60th birthday celebration and then to Wrightsville Beach for some R&R.

September: I celebrate my 31st birthday; Maggie has a baby shower for me and lil Whoopi. We also find out we've got a breached baby on our hands.

October: Silliness ensues to try to get baby to flip-doesn't work, so we go in for c-section on10/15....Aden Sydney Goldberg is born and I get another love in my life. Al and I get Aden donned up for her first Halloween, where she goes as a pea in the pod and we go as her farmers.

November: Al and I host Thanksgiving at our house-David, Paul and Erika join. Bob and Debbie meet Aden for the first time; I join PACE.
December: Aden celebrates her first Hannukah, and I get to experience "single motherhood" with Al working crazy hours. We go to Roanoke for a long visit with GP and Big K and then come back to DC for Bob and Debbie to visit.
January: New Year again! We went over to Paul and Erika's for a lovely dinner, and Aden woke up at the stroke of midnight. Brilliant baby!